I been long wanted to do this Quail meat adobo style and finally I got a chance to go to farmart (http://www.farmart.com.sg/) at sungei tengah road. I bought 1 kg of small size quail meat @ Uncle William Edu & Agri Enterprises (http://unclewilliam.biz/history.html) which has a farm in Singapore and Malaysia. Back home immediately clean the quail meat to start the process of my crispy quail adobo.
Here's the recipe:
1kg quail meat cut in half
1 cup palm or cider vinegar
1/2 cup light soya sauce
1/4 cup fish sauce (Patis)
5 bay leaves
1 bulb crushed garlic
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorn
1 cup olive oil
Put the quail meat on a claypot then pour the vinegar, soya sauce, bay leaves, black pepper and crushed garlic. Leave it marine for at least 30 minutes then simmer gently till the meat is tender and the sauce reduce to a thick consistency. At this time you can actually pour it on a steaming white rice YUMMY !!!!
I did put some of them in a sterilize bottle with an olive oil which I believe should be able to last for a month in a refrigerator although mine didn't last for a week.